Ramsaday College, one of the oldest colleges of Howrah District,was established in 1946.On 1st August, exactly a year before the nation could call itself independent, the key to building a new nation, learning for individual independence, was handed over to people of Amta and its surroundings, by Late Panchanan Chongdar of Howrah in the form of establishing the educational institution. The visionary Panchananbabu named the college Ramsaday, in memory of his father Late Ramsaday Chongdar . This College stands as a memento of the fulfilment of a visionary dream of Panchanan Chongdar.
The College campus, expanded manifold since its journey began, to meet the demands for additional space and for modernisation, is situated on the bank of the river Damodar at Amta about 1/2 k.m. from Amta Bus Stand, Howrah. It is accessible by all forms of public transport .

Ramsaday College, affiliated to University of Calcutta, is the second oldest college of Howrah District. It has an illustrious tradition contributing tirelessly to enrich the culture of the native soil. It was established on 1st August of 1946 under the visionary leadership of educationist Late Panchanan Chongdar.
It was, he, who wanted to spread education and 'Utility of Education' among the poor and backward people of the society. He advocated the concept of empowerment of women. The college had a very humble beginning with a handful of students starting their classes in a few rooms. However today's picture is one of complete transformation. Struggle is still there but is no more a simple struggle for survival, but rather a constant endeavour to attain excellence.

Today's higher education has witnessed a paradigm shift from elitist ostracism to common man's right to knowledge. The College is trying to adopt itself to this new way of thinking.
The semi-urban location of the college caters to the needs of students who come from the grass root level, some of them are even first generation learners. The college is trying hard to set a pedagogic goal that is less hectoring and instructional and more learner facilitating.