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A well-equipped library is considered the epitome of any academic institution. It is the store house of knowledge that nourishes the staff and students equally as per their requirements and needs. Since our institution is situated on the embankments of river Damodar and the thought what the inundated area could cause to the library situated on the ground floor of the heritage building, the college governing body in 2005 shifted it to first floor of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray building. At present the library (covered space around 3500 sq. Ft. area) has one stack area, librarian's cabin and area for housekeeping operations, 27000+ books, 2000+ volumes of journals and magazines, 8 computers which are connected with highspeed internet through LAN, 2 Printers, 1 Xerox, 2 Scanners, 1 barcode printer, 1 hand-held scanner, 1 digital notice board and two CCTV for 24x7 surveillance of library activities. There is an air-conditioned annexe room for reading purpose.
The Central Library is automated with the latest version of Koha software. The first installation of this software dates back to 2014 which has been upgraded at regular intervals with latest versions. The cataloguing process has been done through the ILMS and automated issue and return of books have commenced from 2018. Some rare books of M.N. Roy Collection, faculty publications and previous year question papers are kept in the Institutional repository (IR) for internal uses. IR was developed by latest version of DSPACE software and is monitored periodically. We take pride to announce that all upgradation work using available free software are done indigenously with no outsourcing whatsoever.

The Central Library provides free access to e-resources of NDL developed by IIT Kharagpur and INFLIBNET-NLIST. Library also contributes to OAR database (WBCOLOR) developed by West Bengal college librarians and provide free access to the students and faculties. Users can enjoy facility of reading and downloading e-books and e-journals through 'NLIST' programme of INFLIBNET, WBCOLOR or any other OA databases. Periodic subscriptions are made from college fund to keep the facilities active.
Other services provided through library include information regarding new arrival of books, Journal and magazines, notifications related to job vacancies or admission in higher studies, photocopying facility, Internet surfing from designated terminals or from personal gadgets using library Wi-Fi. Library facility is also open to the ex-students preparing for higher studies or competitive examinations. Users can enjoy virtual tour of different Indian tourist attractions and can have the pleasure reading and downloading the eversion story books as well as text books from the custom search engine which was indigenously developed and integrated to our library website. A Facebook page is also maintained by the library to alert users about introduction of new services or upcoming college events.
To encourage our students about effective library use, 'Indrajit Bakshi best library user award' is given every year and students are trained periodically about OPAC and e-resource searching technique.