Vision of the Department
The vision of one of the oldest departments of Ramsaday College, Bengali Department, is to nurture the latent talent of students in Amta and its surroundings, through inculcating in them the knowledge of their mother tongue. Mother tongue is life blood and students are taught to help them express their feelings in native language. The aim is
to preserve the cultural backbone of Bengal by enlightening them about the rich literary treasure trove of Bengali language and by making them research-oriented, help them to contribute to the heritage of Bengali literature.
Mission of the Department
The mission is to make the students love society and be responsible for the country through moral education,imparted through readings of literary texts. That Bengali talents should be honoured on the global stage through numerous writings, research papers, is the dedicated aim of the department.
Aims and Objectives of Post Graduate Department
Most of our graduate students are provided with Post Graduate education in the college campus itself,enabling them to get a taste of higher education,without travelling far from their homes. The journey of the Post Graduate wing commenced on 24 August 2016 .The seed sowed in 2016 bore such rich fruits that on 12th October 2018 University of Calcutta acknowledged the dedication and hard work of the faculty and on the demands of the students increased the intake capacity from 30 to 50 .
The present scenario is that students from different colleges of Howrah come for M.A to Ramsaday College. Among the 17 colleges where Post Graduate Studies are conducted , the results of the students of this college have been quite noteworthy. The college earnestly hopes that all the Post Graduate students of this great institution should get enriched in such ways that their innovative research works make Bengali literature richer in every way.