Chemistry is a branch of natural science that deals principally with the properties of substances, the changes they undergo and natural laws that describe these changes. Ancient people practised Chemistry when they combined ores using fire that yielded metals and other substances of use for their survival. Systematic study of the subject began with the ancient Greeks and Egyptians who proposed the existence of atoms in matter. In the Middle Ages, alchemists flourished who turned base metals into gold and this led to the discovery of new substances and techniques. In modern industrial societies, Chemistry is one of the foundations of global economy. Advancements in Chemistry have proven to be a boon to the world and is the key to many of the solutions for the problems, cofronting us today.
In our Institution, Chemistry was introduced as General subject in the Bachelor course in 1950 and as Honours subject (with Physics and Mathematics as Generic subject combination) in 1983. The approved intake capacity in Honours increased from initial 15 to 30 seats in 2005. The curriculum and credit framework for this subject allow students to experience knowledge from multiple disciplines that integrate skill and ability enhancement courses. The students have access to a seminar library where a large collection of international and national reputed journals and reference books are housed. Besides this, the department has a state of the art instrumentation facility and laboratory infrastructure for conducting quality research. The department has a smart class room and has procured high end instruments for research with financial support of UGC (University Grants Commission, New Delhi) and State fund.
There is a gallery to display the works and achievements of Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Ray, regarded as the father of Indian Chemistry. Students are encouraged to participate in NCC, NSS, environment and science related projects and programmes to inculcate in them human values of righteous conduct, peace, non-violence, scientific temper, citizenship values and life skills. The graduates, we produce, excel in various fields and have the capability of solving different kinds of problems in familiar and uncharted contexts and apply the learning to face real life challenges.