Name :- Avirup Chakraborty (AC)
Qualification :- M.Sc. in Human Physiology, Level 1 Anthropometrist accredited by international Society of Kin Anthoropometry (ISAK)
Designation :- State Aided College Teacher (SACT-II) & H.O.D.
SPECIALIZATION :- Ergonomics and Sports Physiology
AREAS OF INTEREST :- Ergonomics, Occupational Health, and Safety
Teaching Experience :- Undergraduate at Present college: Years
Email :- avirup.chkraborty19@gmail.com
Mobile :- 7407666809
Research And Publication
Subject | Description |
Initiative Seminar Experience : | 1. Avirup Chakroborty, Oral presentation in the International Conference on "Dual Missions of Research and Teaching: a Holistic View of Higher Education" Organized by Research Cell and IQAC, Serampore College, 9, William Carey Road, Serampore, Hooghly 712201, India, during December 5-7, 2022. SUBJECT - PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON ASSESSMENT OF RISK OF MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS AMONG LATHE WORKERS OF RURAL HOWRAH |