History of Department
The department of Physical Education started its journey in the year 2007 with teaching General course stream.
Speciality of the Department
Apart from chalk and talk method which is the regular mode of teaching, Class room lectures, group discussions, audio visual method of teaching is also followed. Practical teaching method: Demonstration method, whole method, part method, whole- Part- whole learning process, and power point presentation. The department organizes various programmes such as Bratachari, Yoga, and Sports training. Teachers provide students guidance about their higher studies.
To engage in relentless pursuit of Excellence in the promotion and development of Physical Education and sports through innovative programmes in teaching, coaching and outreach activities and evolve a holistic approach to the betterment of human resources through a harmonious blend of body, mind and spirit.
The Department of Physical Education at Ramsaday College always strive to encourage the student community to participate in different sport activities and promote the Physical culture and capacity building ability among students. The department would endeavour its best to change people's view or attitude toward physical culture and sports in the district.
The mission would be accomplished through following efforts -
• Encourage the final year students to cultivate the subject of Physiotherapy. The concerned department would like to open a Physiotherapy training centre which would be helpful to serve the rural community at large.
• Create consciousness among people in the adjoining areas of the college about public health and hygiene.
• Build National Integration through Physical culture and sports by arranging events like Brotochari and kho-kho.
• Popularize the indigenous sporting events of the different provinces in India.