Brief History of The Department of Physiology
• The teaching of Physiology in this college commenced on and from 01st August 2012 as a General subject in the Degree.The department came into existence as a result of the initiative and farsightedness of the then Principal of the college, Dr. Anup Sikdar.
• Further development of the Department materialized at the encouraging and patronizing attitude of respected Dr. Deb Kumar Mukherjee , Principal, Ramsaday College. The involvement of these stalwarts compensated for the lack of experience of the newly recruited teacher, Mr. Subhamoy Mayra, who had joined in 2012 after completion of his M.Sc in Human Physiology from Presidency College , University of Calcutta.
• The first batch of General students passed out in 2015 with a record of 100 % success .
Aim of the Department
• To nurture in the students the understanding of the mechanisms of living things, from the basic of cell function at the ionic and molecular level to the integrated behaviour of the whole body and the influence of the external environment.
• Providing quality education
• Fostering scholarship
• Kindling inquisitiveness in the young minds
• Identifying hidden talents
• Providing opportunities for students that are instrumental in realizing their full potential
• Inculcate values. >
Programme Outcome
Physiology as a subject aims to deliver an in-depth scientific understanding of human body function in a harmonic and sequestrated milieu of the organ systems. Cardiovascular system, Nervous System, Respiratory system, Excretory system, Digestive system, Musculoskeletal system, Endocrine system play important roles in controlling our bodily functions. These systems form the core area of the subject, while Biological Statistics , Haematology , Work & Exercise Physiology and Ergonomics and Human nutrition and dietetics are taught as allied subjects that form the Discipline Specific Electives courses.All these help to nurture and develop a comprehensive understanding of Human Physiology. At the same time certain Skill Enhancement Courses like Microbiology & Immunology , Clinical Biochemistry , Detection of Food Additives / Adulterants & Xenobiotics and Community and Public Health aim to develop more specialized areas which involve Physiology of health and disease. A student of this course would be able to pursue career in academic spheres as well as attain capabilities of entrepreneurship to work in diversified research areas both in applied and basic fields.