History of the Department :
The Department of Sanskrit, Ramsaday College, was established in the year 2008. Initially, the Department offered only General course in Sanskrit. Later on Honours course was introduced in 2009. The Department comprises of six faculties. Among six faculty members, one faculty member has been awarded Ph.D. degree and one is pursuing his Ph.D. degree.
Speciality of the Department :
All the Teachers in the Department are very much dedicated to imparting the best knowledge among the students. Students in the department are earnestly persuaded to go on for higher studies. Students are guided, prepared and always encouraged to participate in extension activities like, Drama, quiz competition, Recitation, Essay competition etc.
Academic Programmes Organized :
1) Sanskrit Day was celebrated on 1st September, 2015 by the Department of Sanskrit, R.S. College. The Programme was completely Student oriented. Mesmerizing Lecture was delivered on Sanskrit Day by the Resource Person: Prof. Dr. Kakali Ghosh, Department of Sanskrit, Jadavpur University, and Kolkata.
2) Department of Sanskrit celebrated Swami Vivekananda's Birthday on 12th January, 2016 namely, 'Viveka-vandana'. A Drama, 'Viveka-vani' was staged on that day by the students of Sanskrit Department. In addition to that Miscellaneous Programmes like, dance, singing are normally performed.
3) Lectures organized:
(i) Special Lecture on Veda by Dr. Dilip Panda, Arambag Girls' College was delivered on 7th December, 2016.
(ii) Special Lecture on Veda by Prof. Taraknath Adhikari, Rabindra Bharati University was delivered on 14th December, 2016.
(iii) Extension Lecture on " Abhijnana-Sakuntalam of Kalidasa" was delivered by Dr. Sougata Chattopadhyay, Department of Bengali, Ramsaday College on 06-12-2022.
4) One-Day Educational Tour was organised by the Department of Sanskrit, Ramsaday College on 19-02-2017.
5) 156th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda & 150th Birth Anniversary of Sister Nivedita were celebrated on 12th January, 2018 by Sanskrit Department, R.S. College. A drama namely, 'Alokadisari Nivedita' was staged by the Students of Sanskrit Department at College Seminar Hall. Besides that, miscellaneous programmes like dance, singing were performed.
6) Sanskrit Day was celebrated on 17th August, 2019 by Sanskrit Department, R.S. College. Enlightening lecture on Sanskrit Grammar was delivered by the Resource Person: Prof. Dr. Kakali Ghosh, Department of Sanskrit, Jadavpur University. A Sanskrit Drama, Kalidasah by Sri Nityanandasmrtitirtha was staged by the Students of the Department.
7) "An-Eight Day Special Course on Concept of Astanga-Yoga of Patanjali and Practice of Meditation" was conducted by Department of Sanskrit, Ramsaday College, Amta, 2022-2023.